事实上把PXE称作是一种引导方式而不是安装方式似乎更加准确,PXE(Pre-boot Execution Environment)是由Intel设计的协议,它可以使计算机通过网络启动,但是有一个前提条件是计算机的网卡必须具有引导功能,这个网卡中要有一个PXE客户端。当计算机POST自检成功以后,BIOS把网卡中ROM的PXE客户端调入内存执行,PXE客户端通过网络中的DHCP服务器获取一个IP地址,拿到IP地址以后PXE继续引导计算机与网络中的TFTP客户端建立连接,从而从TFTP服务器中获取开机引导文件之后请求并下载安装需要的文件。在这个过程中需要一台服务器来提供启动文件、安装文件、以及安装过程中的自动应答文件等。
Client向PXE Server上的DHCP发送IP地址请求消息,DHCP检测Client是否合法(主要是检测Client的网卡MAC地址),如果合法则返回Client的IP地址,同时将启动文件pxelinux.0的位置信息一并传送给Client
Client向PXE Server上的TFTP发送获取pxelinux.0请求消息,TFTP接收到消息之后再向Client发送pxelinux.0大小信息,试探Client是否满意,当TFTP收到Client发回的同意大小信息之后,正式向Client发送pxelinux.0
Client向TFTP Server发送针对本机的配置信息文件(在TFTP服务的pxelinux.cfg目录下,这是系统菜单文件,格式和isolinux.cfg格式一样,功能也是类似),TFTP将配置文件发回Client,继而Client根据配置文件执行后续操作。
client裸机配置了从网络启动后,开机后会广播包请求DHCP服务器 (cobbler server)发送其分配好的一个IP
DHCP服务器(cobbler server)收到请求后发送responese,包括其ip地址
client裸机拿到ip后再向cobbler server发送请求OS引导文件的请求
cobbler server告诉裸机OS引导文件的名字和TFTP server的ip和 port
client裸机通过上面告知的TFTP server地址通信,下载引导文件
client裸机执行执行该引导文件,确定加载信息,选择要安装的os, 期间会再向cobbler server请求kickstart文件和os image
cobbler server发送请求的kickstart和os iamge
client裸机接收os image,安装该os image
/etc/cobbler/settings : cobbler 主配置文件
/etc/cobbler/iso/: iso模板配置文件
/etc/cobbler/pxe: pxe模板文件
/etc/cobbler/power: 电源配置文件
/etc/cobbler/user.conf: web服务授权配置文件
/etc/cobbler/users.digest: web访问的用户名密码配置文件
/etc/cobbler/dhcp.template : dhcp服务器的的配置末班
/etc/cobbler/dnsmasq.template : dns服务器的配置模板
/etc/cobbler/tftpd.template : tftp服务的配置模板
/etc/cobbler/modules.conf : 模块的配置文件
/var/lib/cobbler/config/: 用于存放distros,system,profiles 等信 息配置文件
/var/lib/cobbler/triggers/: 用于存放用户定义的cobbler命令
/var/lib/cobbler/kickstart/: 默认存放kickstart文件
/var/lib/cobbler/loaders/: 存放各种引导程序 镜像目录
/var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/: 导入的发行版系统的所有数据
/var/www/cobbler/images/ : 导入发行版的kernel和initrd镜像用于 远程网络启动
/var/www/cobbler/repo_mirror/: yum 仓库存储目录
/var/log/cobbler/installing: 客户端安装日志
/var/log/cobbler/cobbler.log : cobbler日志
cobbler commands介绍
cobbler check 核对当前设置是否有问题
cobbler list 列出所有的cobbler元素
cobbler report 列出元素的详细信息
cobbler sync 同步配置到数据目录,更改配置最好都要执行下
cobbler reposync 同步yum仓库
cobbler distro 查看导入的发行版系统信息
cobbler system 查看添加的系统信息
cobbler profile 查看配置信息
default_password_crypted: “$1$gEc7ilpP$pg5iSOj/mlxTxEslhRvyp/”
next_server:< tftp服务器的 IP 地址>
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 [root @localhost ~] CentOS Linux release 7.2 .1511 (Core) [root @localhost ~] 3.10 .0 -327 .el7.x86_64[root @localhost ~] Disabled [root @localhost ~] ● firewalld.service - firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/firewalld.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: inactive (dead) Docs: man :firewalld(1 ) [root @localhost ~] 10.0 .0.101 [root @localhost ~] localhost.localdomain [root @localhost ~]
1 [root @localhost ~]wget -O /tmp/system.sh http://hudisk.tpddns.cn:8097 /cobbler/repo/system.sh && sh /tmp/system.sh
1 2 3 4 [root @localhost ~] [root @localhost ~] [root @localhost ~] [root @localhost ~]
4.3.3通过cobbler check 查看问题
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 [root @localhost ~] The following are potential configuration items that you may want to fix: 1 : The 'server' field in /etc/cobbler/settings must be set to something other than localhost, or kickstarting features will not work. This should be a resolvable hostname or IP for the boot server as reachable by all machines that will use it.2 : For PXE to be functional, the 'next_server' field in /etc/cobbler/settings must be set to something other than 127.0 .0.1 , and should match the IP of the boot server on the PXE network.3 : change 'disable' to 'no' in /etc/xinetd.d/tftp4 : Some network boot-loaders are missing from /var/lib/cobbler/loaders, you may run 'cobbler get-loaders' to download them, or, if you only want to handle x86/x86_64 netbooting, you may ensure that you have installed a *recent* version of the syslinux package installed and can ignore this message entirely. Files in this directory, should you want to support all architectures, should include pxelinux.0 , menu.c32, elilo.efi, and yaboot. The 'cobbler get-loaders' command is the easiest way to resolve these requirements.5 : enable and start rsyncd.service with systemctl6 : debmirror package is not installed, it will be required to manage debian deployments and repositories7 : The default password used by the sample templates for newly installed machines (default_password_crypted in /etc/cobbler/settings) is still set to 'cobbler' and should be changed, try : "openssl passwd -1 -salt 'random-phrase-here' 'your-password-here'" to generate new one8 : fencing tools were not found, and are required to use the (optional) power management features. install cman or fence-agents to use themRestart cobblerd and then run 'cobbler sync' to apply changes.
vim /etc/xinetd.d/tftp
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 service tftp { socket_type = dgram protocol = udp wait = yes user = root server = /usr/sbin/in.tftpd server_args = -s /var/lib/tftpboot disable = no per_source = 11 cps = 100 2 flags = IPv4 }
问题4:(现在官网已经不提供下载,我这里提供一份下载 链接,下载后解压到/var/lib/cobbler/目录就好了,执行cobbler sync生效)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 [root @localhost ~] task started: 2017 -10 -15_113824_get_loaders task started (id=Download Bootloader Content, time=Sun Oct 15 11 :38 :24 2017 ) downloading https://cobbler.github.io/loaders/README to /var/lib/cobbler/loaders/README downloading https://cobbler.github.io/loaders/COPYING.elilo to /var/lib/cobbler/loaders/COPYING.elilo downloading https://cobbler.github.io/loaders/COPYING.yaboot to /var/lib/cobbler/loaders/COPYING.yaboot downloading https://cobbler.github.io/loaders/COPYING.syslinux to /var/lib/cobbler/loaders/COPYING.syslinux downloading https://cobbler.github.io/loaders/elilo-3 .8 -ia64 .efi to /var/lib/cobbler/loaders/elilo-ia64 .efi downloading https://cobbler.github.io/loaders/yaboot-1 .3.17 to /var/lib/cobbler/loaders/yaboot downloading https://cobbler.github.io/loaders/pxelinux.0 -3 .86 to /var/lib/cobbler/loaders/pxelinux.0 downloading https://cobbler.github.io/loaders/menu.c32-3 .86 to /var/lib/cobbler/loaders/menu.c32 downloading https://cobbler.github.io/loaders/grub-0 .97 -x86 .efi to /var/lib/cobbler/loaders/grub-x86 .efi downloading https://cobbler.github.io/loaders/grub-0 .97 -x86_64 .efi to /var/lib/cobbler/loaders/grub-x86_64 .efi *** TASK COMPLETE ***
1 2 3 4 [root @localhost ~] Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user .target.wants/rsyncd.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/rsyncd.service. [root @localhost ~]
跟debian 相关,可以忽略
1 2 3 4 5 [root @localhost ~] $1 $123456 $wOSEtcyiP2N /IfIl15W6Z0[root @localhost ~] default_password_crypted: "$1 $123456 $wOSEtcyiP2N /IfIl15W6Z0
再次执行cobbler check
1 2 3 4 [root @localhost ~] The following are potential configuration items that you may want to fix: 1 : debmirror package is not installed, it will be required to manage debian deployments and repositories
1 2 [root @localhost ~] manage_dhcp: 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [root @localhost ~] subnet 10.0 .0.0 netmask 255.255 .255.0 { option routers 10.0 .0.2 ; option domain-name -servers 10.0 .0.2 ; option subnet-mask 255.255 .255.0 ; range dynamic-bootp 10.0 .0.100 10.0 .0.250 ; default-lease -time 3600 ; } next-server 192.168 .10.1 ; filename "pxelinux.0" ;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 [root @localhost ~] [root @localhost ~] task started: 2017 -10 -15_122732_sync task started (id=Sync, time=Sun Oct 15 12 :27 :32 2017 ) running pre-sync triggers cleaning trees removing: /var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default removing: /var/lib/tftpboot/grub/efidefault removing: /var/lib/tftpboot/grub/grub-x86 .efi removing: /var/lib/tftpboot/grub/images removing: /var/lib/tftpboot/grub/grub-x86_64 .efi removing: /var/lib/tftpboot/s390x/profile_list copying bootloaders trying hardlink /var/lib/cobbler/loaders/grub-x86 .efi -> /var/lib/tftpboot/grub/grub-x86 .efi trying hardlink /var/lib/cobbler/loaders/grub-x86_64 .efi -> /var/lib/tftpboot/grub/grub-x86_64 .efi copying distros to tftpboot copying images generating PXE configuration files generating PXE menu structure rendering DHCP files generating /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf rendering TFTPD files generating /etc/xinetd.d/tftp cleaning link caches running post-sync triggers running python triggers from /var/lib/cobbler/triggers/sync/post/* running python trigger cobbler.modules.sync_post_restart_services running: dhcpd -t -q received on stdout: received on stderr: running: service dhcpd restart received on stdout: received on stderr: Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart dhcpd.service running shell triggers from /var/lib/cobbler/triggers/sync/post/* running python triggers from /var/lib/cobbler/triggers/change/* running python trigger cobbler.modules.scm_track running shell triggers from /var/lib/cobbler/triggers/change/* *** TASK COMPLETE ***
1 2 3 4 [root @localhost ~] udp 0 0 0.0 .0.0 :39776 0.0 .0.0 :* 53381 /dhcpd udp 0 0 0.0 .0.0 :67 0.0 .0.0 :* 53381 /dhcpd udp6 0 0 :::46146 :::* 53381 /dhcpd
不支持desktop、live版本(仅支持LTS server version版本)
1 2 # 为后续cobble导入镜像做准备 mount -t iso9660 -o loop,ro /dev/cdrom /mn
#导入Ubuntu 18.04之后的版本也是导入失败(非LTS版本可能支持的不友好)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 [root @localhost ~] mount : /dev/sr0 is write-protected , mounting read-only [root @localhost ~] task started: 2017 -10 -15_145401_import task started (id=Media import, time=Sun Oct 15 14 :54 :01 2017 ) Found a candidate signature: breed=redhat, version=rhel6 Found a candidate signature: breed=redhat, version=rhel7 Found a matching signature: breed=redhat, version=rhel7 Adding distros from path /var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/Centos-7 .2 -x86_64 : creating new distro: Centos-7 .2 -x86_64 trying symlink: /var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/Centos-7 .2 -x86_64 -> /var/www/cobbler/links/Centos-7 .2 -x86_64 creating new profile: Centos-7 .2 -x86_64 associating repos checking for rsync repo(s) checking for rhn repo(s) checking for yum repo(s) starting descent into /var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/Centos-7 .2 -x86_64 for Centos-7 .2 -x86_64 processing repo at : /var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/Centos-7 .2 -x86_64 need to process repo/comps: /var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/Centos-7 .2 -x86_64 looking for /var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/Centos-7 .2 -x86_64 /repodata/*comps*.xml Keeping repodata as-is :/var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/Centos-7 .2 -x86_64 /repodata *** TASK COMPLETE ***
# --path 镜像路径
# --name 为安装源定义一个名字
# --arch 指定安装源是32位、64位、ia64, 目前支持的选项有: x86│x86_64│ia64
# 安装源的唯一标示就是根据name参数来定义,本例导入成功后,安装源的唯一标示就是:CentOS-7.1-x86_64
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 [root @localhost ks_mirror ] distros: Centos-7 .2 -x86_64 profiles: Centos-7 .2 -x86_64 systems: repos: images: mgmtclasses: packages: files:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [root @localhost kickstarts ] default.ks esxi5-ks .cfg legacy.ks sample_autoyast.xml sample_esx4.ks sample_esxi5.ks sample_old.seed esxi4-ks .cfg install_profiles pxerescue.ks sample_end.ks sample_esxi4.ks sample.ks sample.seed [root @localhost kickstarts ] /var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts [root @localhost kickstarts ] rz waiting to receive. zmodem trl+C ȡ 100 % 1 KB 1 KB/s 00 :00 :01 0 Errors.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 [root @localhost kickstarts ] distros: ========== Name : Centos-7 .2 -x86_64 Architecture : x86_64 TFTP Boot Files : {} Breed : redhat Comment : Fetchable Files : {} Initrd : /var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/Centos-7 .2 -x86_64 /images/pxeboot/initrd.img Kernel : /var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/Centos-7 .2 -x86_64 /images/pxeboot/vmlinuz Kernel Options : {} Kernel Options (Post Install) : {} Kickstart Metadata : {'tree' : 'http://@@http_server@@/cblr/links/Centos-7.2-x86_64' } Management Classes : [] OS Version : rhel7 Owners : ['admin' ] Red Hat Management Key : <<inherit>> Red Hat Management Server : <<inherit>> Template Files : {} profiles: ========== Name : Centos-7 .2 -x86_64 TFTP Boot Files : {} Comment : DHCP Tag : default Distribution : Centos-7 .2 -x86_64 Enable gPXE? : 0 Enable PXE Menu? : 1 Fetchable Files : {} Kernel Options : {} Kernel Options (Post Install) : {} Kickstart : /var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts/sample_end.ks Kickstart Metadata : {} Management Classes : [] Management Parameters : <<inherit>> Name Servers : [] Name Servers Search Path : [] Owners : ['admin' ] Parent Profile : Internal proxy : Red Hat Management Key : <<inherit>> Red Hat Management Server : <<inherit>> Repos : [] Server Override : <<inherit>> Template Files : {} Virt Auto Boot : 1 Virt Bridge : xenbr0 Virt CPUs : 1 Virt Disk Driver Type : raw Virt File Size(GB) : 5 Virt Path : Virt RAM (MB) : 512 Virt Type : kvm systems: ========== repos: ========== images: ========== mgmtclasses: ========== packages: ========== files: ==========
1 cobbler profile edit --name=CentOS-7.2-x86_64 --kopts='net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0'
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 part biosboot --fstype =biosboot --size =1 install url --url ='http://cobbler_ip/cobbler/ks_mirror/Centos-7.6-x86_64/' reboot text lang zh_CN.UTF-8 keyboard us zerombr bootloader --location =mbr timezone --utc Asia/Shanghai authconfig --enableshadow --passalgo =sha512 rootpw --iscrypted $default_password_crypted clearpart --all --initlabel part /boot --fstype xfs --size 800 --ondrive =sda part swap --size 16384 --ondrive =sda part / --fstype xfs --grow --size 1 --ondrive =sda firstboot --disable selinux --disabled firewall --disabled logging --level =info %packages @base @compat-libraries @debugging @development tree nmap sysstat ntpdate lrzsz net-tools wget net-snmp dos2unix telnet iptraf ncurses-devel openssl-devel zlib-devel OpenIPMI-tools screen %end %post mkdir -pv /data /sh cd /data /shwget http://cobbler_ip/centos7.shchmod 755 centos7.sh bash -x centos7.sh %end
1 2 3 4 5 [root @localhost kickstarts ] Centos-7 .2 -x86_64 [root @localhost kickstarts ] [root @localhost kickstarts ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 [root @localhost kickstarts ] task started: 2017 -10 -15_154709_sync task started (id=Sync, time=Sun Oct 15 15 :47 :09 2017 ) running pre-sync triggers cleaning trees removing: /var/www/cobbler/images/Centos-7 .2 -x86_64 removing: /var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default removing: /var/lib/tftpboot/grub/efidefault removing: /var/lib/tftpboot/grub/grub-x86 .efi removing: /var/lib/tftpboot/grub/images removing: /var/lib/tftpboot/grub/grub-x86_64 .efi removing: /var/lib/tftpboot/images/Centos-7 .2 -x86_64 removing: /var/lib/tftpboot/s390x/profile_list copying bootloaders trying hardlink /var/lib/cobbler/loaders/grub-x86 .efi -> /var/lib/tftpboot/grub/grub-x86 .efi trying hardlink /var/lib/cobbler/loaders/grub-x86_64 .efi -> /var/lib/tftpboot/grub/grub-x86_64 .efi copying distros to tftpboot copying files for distro: Centos-7 .2 -x86_64 trying hardlink /var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/Centos-7 .2 -x86_64 /images/pxeboot/vmlinuz -> /var/lib/tftpboot/images/Centos-7 .2 -x86_64 /vmlinuz trying hardlink /var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/Centos-7 .2 -x86_64 /images/pxeboot/initrd.img -> /var/lib/tftpboot/images/Centos-7 .2 -x86_64 /initrd.img copying images generating PXE configuration files generating PXE menu structure copying files for distro: Centos-7 .2 -x86_64 trying hardlink /var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/Centos-7 .2 -x86_64 /images/pxeboot/vmlinuz -> /var/www/cobbler/images/Centos-7 .2 -x86_64 /vmlinuz trying hardlink /var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/Centos-7 .2 -x86_64 /images/pxeboot/initrd.img -> /var/www/cobbler/images/Centos-7 .2 -x86_64 /initrd.img Writing template files for Centos-7 .2 -x86_64 rendering DHCP files generating /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf rendering TFTPD files generating /etc/xinetd.d/tftp processing boot_files for distro: Centos-7 .2 -x86_64 cleaning link caches running post-sync triggers running python triggers from /var/lib/cobbler/triggers/sync/post/* running python trigger cobbler.modules.sync_post_restart_services running: dhcpd -t -q received on stdout: received on stderr: running: service dhcpd restart received on stdout: received on stderr: Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart dhcpd.service running shell triggers from /var/lib/cobbler/triggers/sync/post/* running python triggers from /var/lib/cobbler/triggers/change/* running python trigger cobbler.modules.scm_track running shell triggers from /var/lib/cobbler/triggers/change/* *** TASK COMPLETE ***
1 2 3 [root @localhost cobbler ] [root @localhost cobbler ] [root @localhost cobbler ]
1 2 3 [root @localhost cobbler ] MENU TITLE Cobbler | I'm here # 修改这里为你想修改的内容 [root@localhost cobbler]# cobbler sync # 同步之后就可以看到效果了
我们可以根据不同的MAC地址来给安装 不同的操作系统,配置不同的静态iP,设置不同的主机名等等,虚拟机查看MAC地址步骤如图
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 [root @localhost cobbler ] --name =linux-web01 \ --mac =00 :0 C:29 :3 B:03 :9 B \ --profile =Centos-7 .2 -x86_64 \ --ip -address =10.0 .0.200 \ --subnet =255.255 .255.0 \ --gateway =10.0 .0.2 \ --interface =eth0 \ --static =1 \ --hostname =linux-web01 \ --name -servers ="" \ --kickstart =/var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts/Centos7.2 -x86_64 .cfg
system add # 添加定制系统
name # 定制系统名称
mac # mac地址
profile #指定profile
ip-address # 指定IP地址
subnet # 指定子网掩码
gateway # 指定网关
interface # 指定网卡,eth0上面配置已经修改,centos7默认网卡名称不是eth0
static # 1表示启用静态IP
hostname # 定义hostname
name-server # dns服务器
kickstart # 指定ks文件
1 2 [root @localhost cobbler ] linux-web01
1 2 [root @localhost ~] [root @localhost ~]
1 2 3 4 5 6 [root@cobbler]# cobbler import --name=Centos8-arch-x8664 --path-/mnt task started: 2021-03-02_150652_import task started (id-Hedia import, time-Tue Mar 2 15:06:52 2021) Found a candidate signature: breed-redhat, version-rhel8 No signature matched in /var/ww/cobbler/ks mirror/Centos8-x86 64 !!! TASK FAILED !
vim /var/lib/cobbler/distro_signatures.json
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 "rhel8": { "signatures": [ "BaseOS" ], "version_file": "(redhat|sl|slf|centos|centos-linux|centos-stream|oraclelinux|vzlinux)-release-(?!notes)([\\w]*-)*8[\\.-]+(.*)\\.rpm", "version_file_regex": null, "kernel_arch": "kernel-(.*).rpm", "kernel_arch_regex": null, "supported_arches": [ "aarch64", "i386", "x86_64", "ppc64le" ], "supported_repo_breeds": [ "rsync", "rhn", "yum" ], "kernel_file": "vmlinuz(.*)", "initrd_file": "initrd(.*)\\.img", "isolinux_ok": false, "default_kickstart": "/var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts/sample_end.ks", "kernel_options": "", "kernel_options_post": "", "boot_files": [] },
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 *#更新签名文件(不推荐)* cobbler signature report *#列出* cobbler signature update *#更新* 如果执行此命令的话 导入还是会报错,所以不需要执行:报错如下: # cobbler import --path=/mnt --name=Centos-8.3 --arch=x86_64 task started: 2021-11-20_222449_import task started (id=Media import, time=Sat Nov 20 22:24:49 2021) Found a candidate signature: breed=suse, version=sles15generic Found a candidate signature: breed=suse, version=opensuse15.0 Found a candidate signature: breed=suse, version=opensuse15.1 Found a candidate signature: breed=redhat, version=rhel8 No signature matched in /var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/Centos-8.3-x86_64 !!! TASK FAILED !!! *#重启服务* systemctl restart cobblerd.service
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 # Ubuntu 18.10 "cosmic": { "signatures":["dists", ".disk"], "version_file":"Release|mini-info", "version_file_regex":"Codename: cosmic|Ubuntu 18.10", "kernel_arch":"linux-headers-(.*)\\.deb", "kernel_arch_regex":null, "supported_arches":["i386","amd64"], "supported_repo_breeds":["apt"], "kernel_file":"linux(.*)", "initrd_file":"initrd(.*)\\.gz", "isolinux_ok":false, "default_kickstart":"/var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts/sample.seed", "kernel_options":"", "kernel_options_post":"", "boot_files":[] # Ubuntu 19.04 "disco": { "signatures":["dists", ".disk"], "version_file":"Release|mini-info", "version_file_regex":"Codename: disco|Ubuntu 19.04", "kernel_arch":"linux-headers-(.*)\\.deb", "kernel_arch_regex":null, "supported_arches":["i386","amd64"], "supported_repo_breeds":["apt"], "kernel_file":"linux(.*)", "initrd_file":"initrd(.*)\\.gz", "isolinux_ok":false, "default_kickstart":"/var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts/sample.seed", "kernel_options":"", "kernel_options_post":"", "boot_files":[] # Ubuntu 19.10 "eoan": { "signatures":["dists", ".disk"], "version_file":"Release|mini-info", "version_file_regex":"Codename: eoan|Ubuntu 19.10", "kernel_arch":"linux-headers-(.*)\\.deb", "kernel_arch_regex":null, "supported_arches":["i386","amd64"], "supported_repo_breeds":["apt"], "kernel_file":"linux(.*)", "initrd_file":"initrd(.*)\\.gz", "isolinux_ok":false, "default_kickstart":"/var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts/sample.seed", "kernel_options":"", "kernel_options_post":"", "boot_files":[] # 重启服务 systemctl restart cobblerd.service